Magda Wojcik

A cheat sheet for self-publishing authors

Here’s a cheat sheet of the main elements of the self-publishing workflow that writers should consider ahead of time. Below I discuss each key process that comprises the self-publishing cycle, along with some practical information and pointers to helpful resources.

What mistakes the spellchecker will not find?

What mistakes will the spellchecker not find?

Spellcheckers are great tools for easy and quick fixes. But you should not depend on them as the only method of correcting your text. Since they do not consider content, style, target audience and many other elements that influence language, they have a minimal scope. Let me show you some most common examples of mistakes (but there are many more!) that will slip through the spellcheckers’ cracks.

5 easy tricks to polish your writing

There are several ways to improve your text before it undergoes editorial intervention. In this blog post, I walk you through a few simple tweaks that do not require you to have particularly savvy computer skills or knowledge of the editorial practice.

Why do writers need a style sheet?

Why do writers need a copyediting style sheet?

In this post, I take a close look at the importance and function of a style sheet in non-fiction writing. At the bottom, you’ll find free, downloadable templates (one with example content and a blank one) for your next writing project. An academic article, professional book, lifestyle blog or marketing content will benefit from the help that the style sheet offers.