Choosing between copyediting vs content editing
Why should you consider the difference between copyediting vs content editing services? Because knowing the distinction between copyediting and content editing can…
How do you pinpoint your book’s target audience?
In today’s digital age, where books compete not only with each other but also with abundant online content, you need…
What trends are shaping the future of indie publishing?
Indie publishing is undergoing significant transformations, and understanding these trends can mean distinguishing between a manuscript collecting dust and a bestseller…
What are the different types of book editing services, and which one do you need most?
Understanding the various types of book editing and determining which one your manuscript needs most is a pivotal step in…
Copyediting vs line editing: Which service does your manuscript need?
The choice between copyediting vs line editing is pivotal for writers finalising their manuscripts. Each editing service brings unique strengths, addressing distinct aspects of…
What is a copyediting style sheet, and how can it improve your writing?
A copyediting style sheet is an organised document that acts as a reference guide for editors, proofreaders and authors. It…
What is the cost of editing a book, and how does it vary across different editing services?
This post explores the cost of editing a book, shedding light on how it fluctuates across different editing services. This…
5 types of proofreading
5 types of proofreading play a significant role in ensuring that written texts are error-free and of high quality. There…
The most successful self-published books like The Martian that were turned into films
This post aims to inspire self-publishing authors by highlighting five self-published books like The Martian by Andy Weir that were turned into films and…
Demystifying book royalties: A comprehensive guide for authors
Book royalties are payments that authors receive based on a percentage of the sales of their books, typically calculated as…